Protect yourself from sophisticated phishing attempts using Cyrillic letters in URLs
This browser extension protects you against sophisticated phishing attacks that exploit Unicode characters. Attackers often create fake URLs by replacing Latin letters with visually identical Cyrillic characters. For example, the Latin 'a' (U+0061) looks identical to the Cyrillic 'а' (U+0430), but they're different characters that lead to different websites.
Continuously monitors URLs as you browse, protecting you even in modern Single Page Applications (SPAs) where pages update dynamically.
Displays a prominent red warning bar at the top of the page when Cyrillic characters are detected in the URL.
Non-intrusive warnings that can be easily dismissed, while maintaining vigilant protection.
When you visit a webpage containing Cyrillic characters in its URL, you'll immediately see this warning banner:
For example, these URLs might look identical, but one uses Cyrillic characters:
While some Cyrillic URLs are legitimate (like Russian websites), be extra cautious when seeing Cyrillic characters in URLs of international websites or financial institutions.
The extension works by: